Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Weather Watcher Live 7.0.32

A new version of Weather Watcher Live has been released:

The changes are as follows:

FIXED: Made changes to the data downloader application (DL.EXE) to prevent situations where the application was stuck in a loop and/or not responding during weather updates.

FIXED: Decreased the wait time between severe alert checks when the "Auto Update Rate" is set to "Update in realtime" in the "General" section of the Weather Watcher Live Options window. Prior releases were waiting up to 15 minutes between checks.

FIXED: Severe alerts were sometimes being bypassed because data was being downloaded from servers that did not contain current severe alert information.

FIXED: Decreased the height of the Station Search window because the buttons at the bottom were displaying outside of the visible desktop area on systems running low resolutions.

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