Sunday, December 28, 2008

Weather Watcher Mobile 1.0.7/1.0.12

A new version of Weather Watcher Mobile has been released:

The changes are as follows:

FIXED: Made a few more adjustments to prevent Opera from launching when running Weather Watcher Mobile.

StickIt 3.0.6

A new version of StickIt has been released:

The changes are as follows:

ADDED: CTRL+Enter can now be pressed at the StickIt Note Editor window to create/send a note.

FIXED: "&" now properly displayed when used in note text.

FIXED: StickIt tray icon was not reloading after Windows Explorer crashed.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Weather Watcher Mobile 1.0.6/1.0.11

A new version of Weather Watcher Mobile has been released:

The changes are as follows:

ADDED: Forecast icon set by Wojciech Grzanka at

FIXED: Now displays the weather data properly when Opera is installed.